Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Out of my five classes, I had 51 students present, 119 absent.

I had 9 or 10 students in each class.

I felt like I was teaching at the Harlem Children's Zone today.


  1. Social Studies in Staten IslandJanuary 12, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    48 out of 153 showed. Classes were combined, got work done, typed a midterm and played heated games of Scrabble and Boggle.

    I know Lord Mayor is an elitist but I am up to date with work and had a very nice day.

  2. Normally I would have done the same, but after all the ELA Regents grading we had to do yesterday, I'm really beat today. Really, really beat. Unfortunately I still have 20 or so senior research papers to grade, and I'm getting about 100 freshman research papers tomorrow.

    But Christie says teachers don't work hard and shouldn't be paid anything about commission.
