Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rats Jumping From DOE Ship

The rats are really bailing out of Tweed:

Deputy Chancellor John White, who heads the Division of Talent, Labor, and Innovation, is expected to take a post in New Orleans, the sources said, requesting anonymity because an official announcement was not expected for a few days.

He would be the second deputy chancellor to step down this week and the fourth since Cathie Black took office in the fall, sources told the News today.

The departure will be a blow to the Bloomberg administration, who argued in November that magazine exec Black would have the benefit of help from experienced deputies. But White’s departure means half of former Chancellor Joel Klein’s eight deputies will be gone.

On Monday, the city announced the departure of Deputy Chancellor Santiago Taveras for the private sector after 22 years working in city schools.

Former Deputy Chancellor Eric Nadelstern retired in January.

Photeine Anagnostopoulos, deputy chancellor for finance and technology, resigned right after ex-Chancellor Joel Klein in November. Elizabeth Sciabarra, who founded the Office of Student Enrollment in 2003, also left at that time.

Listen, ALL of these people were corporate wankers through and through, so the children and teachers in the school system are better off with them gone.

But that rationale about Black having all this talent on the deputy chancellor bench so who cares if she doesn't have education experience really is blown by all this ship-jumping by the Tweed rats, isn't it?

What say you know, Dr. Steiner, if you can get your tongue off Mayor Bloomberg's shoes long enough to speak?

Still think she's got the goods to run the DOE?

Still think she's got help at Tweed?

The reality of course is that these corporate educrats can jump ship all they want, there are plenty of Broad- and Gates Foundation-trained rats to replace the ones who are ditching the Good Ship Tweed.

But the ship-jumping does show that whatever reform momentum Bloomberg had in the first nine years of his reign as king, it's gone now.

The Tweedies look to be as demoralized as the rest of us in the system.

Heckuva job, Bloomie!

Even your corporate educrats have had enough of you and your coffee klatch chancellor.

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