Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Friday, June 7, 2013

How Can NYSED Force Students To Take The Pearson Field Tests?

From a letter sent to someone who inquired about the fake "opt-out memo" that circulated comes this doozy:

All students in public and charter schools are required to participate in the field tests.

If the state has the power to mandate that all students in public and charter schools are required to participate in the field tests, then the state has TOO MUCH POWER.

It is time to take some of that power away from the NYSED.


  1. They only have the power we grant them.

    An opt-out rate of twenty five percent, well in the realm of feasibility, would go along way towards making this house of cards collapse

    1. That's exactly right. There is NOTHING they can do if nobody takes their field tests.

      Nothing they can do.
