Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Final Mayoral Debate

The other candidates tried to beat up on Bill de Blasio, but I don't think they were very successful at seriously damaging him.

Harry Enten's take:

De Blasio needed to fend off the attacks tonight and just move on to tomorrow where the Quinnipiac poll showing him with 43% will be the headline.

I think he accomplished that tonight.

Did anybody else watch this thing?

And if so, what did you think?


  1. I think there will be an ocean of homeless UFT-Thompson t-shirts in some landfill somewhere.

  2. Thompson is sleazy . Gotta hand it to King Michael for once- "the UFT nomination is the kiss of death" , or,something like,that...?

    1. It's not over yet, but it's not looking good for Thompson and the UFT.

  3. Biggest losers. The moderators. What idiotic questions.

    1. 15 seconds to respond - what kind of crap is that. Like the moderators thought we were there to watch them moderate.

  4. I thought that Liu did a pretty good job at looking very trustworthy and union friendly. However, he did go way past his time limit on most of his questions. (As did some of the other candidates.) Did anyone else notice that not ONE of the candidates outright said that they would promise to give retroactive pay but that raises are a sure thing?

    1. They're not going to do that in a general forum like that. They'd get killed in the press the next day. I doubt we're going to see much in the way of retro in any case. Maybe a couple of percentage points, but I'd rather skip the retro if it means having to help the new mayor "find savings" elsewhere (i.e., pay health care, lose sick days, etc.) That's what Quinn was looking for. Weiner too. Not sure what de Blasio wants, but he said he wants cost savings too. Thompson has been mum on this stuff, but I don't trust Thompson. Not with Tisch and D'amato running him...
