Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Happened To Christine Quinn's Support?

Via Azi Paybarah, two trend lines from yesterday's Quinnipiac poll show what has happened to Quinn recently that her support has cratered:

White voters and women voters were all that were keeping her anywhere near runoff territory.

Now she seems to have lost both and she's bottoming out.

It's ugly:

Can't say I feel sorry for her - she ran the Hillary Clinton "presumptive nominee" strategy long after it was obvious she had a race on her hands.

It took her a long while to finally push back against her opponents attacks, and by the time she did, it was probably too late.

And the New York City Is Not For Sale ad first aired in April did real damage to her too.

She never successfully countered those attacks either.

Then again, with her record of flip-flopping on term limits, running slush funds and just generally being hated by a core contingent of people in this city, maybe there was nothing she could have ever done to stop the inevitable slide.

I said from the beginning that I thought she was a paper tiger frontrunner, that she could be beat.

Weiner did us a favor by jumping in the race.

When he went ahead briefly in one poll or two polls, that put a hole in the air of inevitability balloon Quinn was carrying around with her and proved that someone else could take the lead in this race.

Now, barring something unforeseen, Quinn is going to follow Gifford Miller into private life.


  1. SHE'S THE ONE, proclaimed the Times, News and Post, yes She is the One who lead the charge to over turn term limits, now it is her turn to feel the wrath of the majority of New Yorkers. Found Weiners defense of DeBlasio an attempt to suck up for a job in his administration. Perhaps they can assign him to be a watch dog for city internet pornography screening.Hmmmm!

    1. They did declare her the ONE. Alas, the electorate seems less impressed with her than the elites at the newspapers.

      I think Weiner is aiming for a radio or TV show. He seems suited to that kind of thing - Jerry Springer (who used to be a politician as well.)
