BINGHAMTON — Bearing signs reading “We are human, not machines,” “Oust the King” and “End Fed Ed,” Binghamton area residents let state EducationCommissioner John King see — and hear — their discontent with Common Core state standards.
“Tell the assembly we’re coming for them. We’re coming for them, we’re angry and we vote,” said Christina Bangel, a seventh-grade social studies teacherat Owego-Apalachin Middle School and mother of two third-grade students at Owego Elementary School.
Bangel, like many other parents, teachers and community members, criticized King and other state officials for the Common Core standards, rushed implementation, studenttesting and a host of other topics during a forum Monday night at West Middle School in Binghamton. Almost 50 residents spoke during the two-and-a-half hour session, while more than 700 filled in the seats to applaud, cheer and stand in solidarity.
King and other officials remained relatively quiet during the forum, allowing residents to voice their concerns and questions. When King did speak to address concerns, he was often met with jeers, shouts and heckling from the audience, asking him for proof or callinghim a liar.
Tisch and King continue to implement their agenda no matter what they hear or encounter on their Gospel of the Common Core tour.
So Christina Bangel's statement to the politicians of this state is an important one:
“Tell the assembly we’re coming for them. We’re coming for them, we’re angry and we vote.”
As has been noted at various places around the Internets, half measure avail us nothing here.
There is no tinkering with the Common Core or the Endless Testing or the inBloom project.
These must be ended and a new direction for the state's education policy must be developed that takes input from students, parents, teachers and administrators - not just $27 million worth of lobbyists, er, Regents Fellows.
ReplyDeleteThanks - reposted it!