Friday, August 6, 2010

Heckuva Job, Barack!!! Obama Admin Helps Corporate America Outsource Jobs While Domestic Job Market Tanks

President Accountability loves data and stats. Nothing makes him happier than tracking numbers, data and stats and then using that information to fire teachers, fire principals and close schools.

Well, right now the data for the Barack Obama administration isn't looking too good:

With the American economic recovery hanging in the balance, private employers added 71,000 jobs in July, up from a downwardly revised 31,000 in June but below the consensus forecast of 90,000. The unemployment rate stayed steady at 9.5 percent.

Over all, the nation lost 131,000 jobs last month, but those losses came as 143,000 Census Bureau workers left their temporary posts, the Labor Department said. June’s number was revised dramatically downward to a total loss of 221,000 jobs. The agency originally reported that the nation lost 125,000 jobs in June.

Figures released last week confirmed that the United States economy slowed in the spring, and the Department of Labor’s monthly statistical snapshot of hiring pointed toward a stall in hiring this summer, as employers failed to add jobs at the rate they were earlier this year.

With some economists predicting a “double dip” back into recession and the political stakes for the Obama administration rising as the weeks tick closer to the midterm elections, Friday’s unemployment report renewed pressure on lawmakers to consider the next steps they might take to bolster the economy. Recent indicators focusing on consumer confidence, retail sales and housing appear to put the economy in a holding pattern.

Earlier this week, a crucial index of manufacturing showed that activity had slipped slightly in July, chain stores reported anemic increases in sales and unemployment claims rose above the level usual for this stage of a recovery. On the more positive side, auto sales increased 5.1 percent in July compared with a year earlier, although from a very low base.

For now, companies appear nervous about expanding their payrolls. “Businesses just don’t want to hire,” said Allen Sinai, chief global economist at Decision Economics. “Workers are too costly and it’s very easy to substitute technology for labor.”

He added that with corporate earnings rising partly on the back of cost-cutting, employers are reluctant to give up profits. “So while corporate earnings were spectacular,” Mr. Sinai said, “the job market just stinks.”

Corporate profits are spectacular, but the job market stinks.

That's great!

Maybe Barack Obama should be doing something to hire Americans here at home, yes?

Except that he's not.

His administration is actually helping corporations outsource jobs abroad.

I'm not kidding.

Here's David Sirota on that:

In recent months, President Obama reversed his campaign promises on trade issues - first by dropping his pledge to renegotiate NAFTA and then by pushing to pass NAFTA-style trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia. Now, with the unemployment crisis persisting, the key jobs question is once again front a center in American politics. Specifically: How do we create jobs here at home and build our most valuable 21st century industries?

The first and foremost answer is that our government should stop doing stuff like the program described in this stunning new report from Information Week:

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

Despite President Obama's pledge to retain more hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama appointee has launched a $22 million program to train workers, including 3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia.

Following their training, the tech workers will be placed with outsourcing vendors in the region that provide offshore IT and business services to American companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent's low labor costs...

The outsourcing program (is) sure to draw the most fire from critics. While Obama acknowledged that occupations such as garment making don't add much value to the U.S. economy, he argued relentlessly during his presidential run that lawmakers needed to do more to keep hi-tech jobs in IT, biological sciences, and green energy in the country.

Now look, I'm all for a robust foreign aid budget - we don't do nearly enough to help the developing world. However, using foreign aid money to specifically help private corporations "take advantage of low labor costs" in the developing world - that's not "aid," that's rank taxpayer subsidization of for-profit exploitation.

Right now, Even if we do not reform our atrocious trade policies that incentivize the ongoing wage-cutting race to the bottom, the least we should be doing is investing every single available dollar we have in job training and job creation here at home. Doing the opposite - actually using public dollars to intensify that wage-cutting race to the bottom - is grotesque.

Indeed it is grotesque, but not a surprise from a president who only listens to a couple of cronies when it comes time to get advice for policy and then sticks with both the cronies and the advice even when they and it are wrong.

So Larry Summers and Timmeh Geithner have the president's ear and nobody else with contrary ideas gets to offer them.

So here we are, almost two years after the 2008 election, and job losses are starting to accelerate again even as corporate profits are "spectacular."

What exactly has changed from the Bush administration economic policies to the Obama administration's policies?

Leaving aside the idiots like Palin and Bachmann who call Obama a socialist, this administration seems very comfortable making sure the corporations are doing "spectacular," while working people are struggling.

And don't get me started about how Obama cut food stamps so he could save his RttT/Fire Teachers program..


  1. You've probably seen this, but if not, it seems quite relevant.

  2. Actually my girlfriend pointed it out to me and thought it would go quite well with the Obama outsourcing piece. I thought it would too, but then the shitty job numbers came out and I decided to put the outsource piece with the unemployment piece. But I would like to get around to working the law outsource piece in. I suspect that once the legal people begin to fear outsourcing, the way the establishment looks upon the problem will change. Right now they say outsourcing is the employee's fault (not trained well enough, education level not high enough, wrong skill sets, etc.) But once it becomes clear that they too are susceptible to losing jobs overseas, I bet the D.C. establishment will start to put limits on it.

    As for the actual outsourcing of lawyers, I say GOOD. Usually I am not in favor of outsourcing, but anything that deprives lawyers of jobs and money is a good thing to me.

    Let's have more of it and see more of these fuckers working laid off and out of jobs.

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