Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bloomberg Full Of It On Guns

Even as his own NYPD army continues to gun down people with near impunity in NYC, Michael Bloomberg is going on an anti-gun offensive all across the nation:

The mayor’s advertising blitz, which will saturate television screens in states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Arizona, represents by far the biggest escalation of Mr. Bloomberg’s attempts to become a one-man counterweight to the National Rifle Association in the political clash over guns.
“The N.R.A. has just had this field to itself,” Mr. Bloomberg said. “It’s the only one that’s been speaking out. It’s time for another voice.”

Bloomberg's PAC will target politicians all across the country:

Given the mayor’s role in contributing to the ouster of an N.R.A.-backed candidate in an Illinois Congressional race a few weeks ago, his push carries an unmistakable threat to those who vote against the bills.
The ads are directed at Democratic and Republican senators in both swing states and partisan precincts. Among Mr. Bloomberg’s targets are some of the Senate’s most vulnerable Democrats, including Kay R. Hagan of North Carolina, Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana and Mark L. Pryor of Arkansas, for whom the gun issue is particularly problematic because they will need Republican votes to win re-election.
Some of the senators, such as Dean Heller of Nevada, Rob Portman of Ohio and Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, all Republicans, represent swing states where voters are divided over guns. Other Republicans would seem to be out of reach for Mr. Bloomberg: Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Daniel Coats of Indiana and Jeff Flake of Arizona.
In each case, the commercials urge support for the measure requiring background checks for nearly all firearms purchases, not just those in gun stores, the most debated element of the legislation and a coveted goal of gun control advocates.
Mr. Bloomberg has singled out Mr. Flake, who already voted against the expansion of background checks in the Senate Judiciary Committee, by producing a special, scolding commercial aimed at Arizona. “Flake’s vote,” the ad declares, equals “no background checks for dangerous criminals.”
The mayor, who has spent tens of millions of dollars to support his favored candidates, intends to wield his “super PAC” to influence the midterm Congressional elections next year and beyond. He said he would prefer “candidates who will stop people from getting killed.”
The mayor's desire to stop people from getting killed does not extend to putting an independent monitor in place to be a watchdog over the NYPD, of course, even though the NYPD have been  trigger happy over the course of Bloomberg's three terms in office, shooting both unarmed suspects and innocent bystanders.

The mayor was on Meet The Toadies this morning to be fellated by David Gregory over the gun control issue, but not once did Gregory ask him if he's troubled by the shootings in NYC by the NYPD.

Like this one.

Or this one.

Or this one.

Or this.

Or these shootings.

It's hard to take Bloomberg's anti-gun offensive seriously when he clearly has no problem with his police department shooting people all the time - either suspects or innocent bystanders.

If Bloomberg wanting to put in place laws that will "stop people from getting killed," he would agree to putting an independent monitor in place.

But he refuses to do this and has spoken out quite forcefully against any NYC politician who is promoting such a monitor.

It would be nice if he the press would put these two issues together when they put him on their shows to sell his anti-gun offensive.

Because they are linked.


  1. Conclusion, Bloomberg wants to control who has the guns so as to empower himself and his friends.

    1. That's exactly right. Again, I'm not suggesting armed revolution or anything, but there is a clear desire from Uncle Mikey's actions to get every gun out of the hands of anybody who doesn't work as part of the state apparatus.
