Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Children Better Protected By Criminal Justice System Than By NY State Education Department

Devastating indictment of NYSED and the Board of Regents at a meeting about inBloom, the data collection project the state insists is happening whether the public wants it or not:

WHITE PLAINS — Local school officials are adamant that they do not want student records being shipped to the inBloom data cloud, setting up a tense showdown with the state Education Department that will play out over the next few weeks.

Associate State Education Commissioner Ken Wagner said Monday night that the state has already started uploading records with student codes and will begin adding students’ names and addresses by mid-January.

Wagner was in White Plains to sit on a panel about student data and privacy but wound up — as he must have anticipated — answering to a slew of objections about the state’s plans for collecting and analyzing student records with the help of inBloom, a nonprofit company funded by the Gates Foundation.

Numerous school board members and administrators from across the region questioned the value of collecting the data — even insisting that it will lead to student tracking — and wondered how the data will be “mined” by profit-minded companies.

Pleasantville Superintendent Mary Fox-Alter, who sat next to Wagner on the panel and looked skeptical for two full hours, said there was no educational purpose for identifying students by name and including information like school suspensions and family backgrounds.

“A child is better protected in the criminal justice system than in this,” she said of the state’s plans.

In the end, unless the courts force the state to back down or political pressure is placed on Cuomo to make Tisch and King stop with the inBloom project, sensitive student information will be handed over to the Gates/Murdoch cloud:

Rye Neck Superintendent Peter Mustich, who organized local efforts to seek answers from the state, said he learned nothing from Wagner’s explanations.

“It’s very disappointing,” he said. “We still don’t have much information. I do not understand why eight states have backed out but New York can’t.”

New York hasn't backed out while every other state and municipality has because NYSED is literally being run by Gates Foundation functionaries, private employees hired by private funds to develop, implement and enforce policy.

Until the politicians in Albany are made to pay for this outrage, nothing will change in the state's forced implementation of their reform agenda - including the inBloom imposition.


  1. Great con game they have going here....the more data they create...the more billions their great,great grandchildren inherit....if they havnt destroyed humanity by then...

    1. They'll be in their gates communities, so they won't care - until all the "help" have died off, of course, and there's no one to chef for Miss Merryl Tisch or wash out her things for her.
