Monday, March 9, 2015

Gothamist Readers Sound Off On Cuomo

There are 33 comments on this Gothamist story about De Blasio joining the mayor of Syracuse in fighting Cuomo for the Campaign for Fiscal Equity money the state owes.

Mmany of the commenters at Gothamist don't like Cuomo any more than the commenters at this blog.

Here are some sample comments:

Fuck Cuomo.

Look, Andy, you will never be president. Stop with this bullshit thinking you're going to get the fiscal conservative GOP vote.


It is really, truly gross...he could accomplish something but instead he'll play to the dumb, old middle and fuck everyone while he's at it.
Is this DeBlasio's way of saying " fuck you" to Cuomo?  Fuck Cuomo...

does that asshole actually think he can be president? i give him a pataki's chance.

I wish de Blasio would deal with Cuomo more diplomatically. A pissed off governor is not what the city needs right now.

I wish Cuomo would deal with de Blasio more honestly. Cuomo is clearly at fault here and on many other points.

He's abandoned us on any number of issues (schools, MTA, etc.) Mayor Bill helped deliver the city vote in a more competitive election than expected, and Cuomo turned his back on us. Remember when he wouldn't debate Teachout and when she confronted him at some p.r. event he scrambled around deliriously shouting "Where's Bill" until deBlasio rescued Cuomo from that awfulness.
Chiming in with another Fuck Cuomo.


Cuck Fuomo.
Cuomo screws over the city and state in many ways besides owing money to schools.
Glad De Blasio is calling him out.

And I thought Perdido Street School blog commenters were a tough bunch...

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