Monday, March 9, 2015

"People In The Party All Hate Cuomo"

Fred Dicker explains why Andrew Cuomo has no chance to be president:

Top New York Democrats are whispering for the first time that Hillary Rodham Clinton may not be their presidential candidate next year. And while they’re far from agreeing on who it might be, they do agree on one thing: It won’t be Gov. Cuomo.

“People in the party all hate him,’’ one of the state’s best-known Democratic operatives told The Post.
A prominent Democratic elected official added, “There’s an ABC factor at work here. It’s ‘Anybody but Cuomo’.’’

In a series of interviews remarkable for their hostility toward Cuomo, several top Democrats well known to the public told The Post that should Clinton be forced to abandon her quest for the presidency by the scandal over her private State Department e-mail accounts, there is no clear alternative for New Yorkers.


“But who it won’t be is Andrew Cuomo,’’ the activist added.

Said another prominent Democrat, “Two years ago, there’s no question Cuomo was a serious contender for the nomination.
“But if he were to run in a primary today, I’m not sure his own brother would vote for him. From the Moreland scandal to his failure to champion progressive issues to his fight with the teachers unions, he’s screwed himself.”

Interesting to see the fight with teachers make it to the top of the list for reasons why Cuomo has no backing from Democratic circles to run for president.

In the past, bashing the teachers and calling for "tough reform" has helped some Dems - most notably Barack Obama.

But it's not 2008 anymore - this is the post-CCSS Era, the Opt-Out Era, when parents and students are rising up all across the country to fight corporate education reform.

Bashing teachers and blaming them for all the ills of society doesn't work as well in 2015 as it did in 2008 or even 2011 when Cuomo first took over as governor of New York.

Cuomo's reaping the consequences of his teacher-bashing - this is the best part of the Dicker column for me:
A national Quinnipiac University poll last week found Clinton backed by 56 percent of Democrats, followed by 14 percent for Warren. Cuomo, who received 4 percent last May, received no backing at all.

No backing at all for Cuomo.

Love it.

1 comment:

  1. What goes around comes around. Read todays Newsday the lead story is the growing opt-out movement on Long Island. Cuomo has an editorial defending his position and claiming his reforms will help students and teachers. Unbelievable!!!
