Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Angry Parents, Teachers Rip Bloomberg On NY1

It's now 11:50 PM. It's snowing pretty heavily already. The heaviest snow is supposed to come down between now and 6 AM - perhaps as much as an inch or two an hour. It is starting to look like a serious storm. Many area school districts announced closing hours ago. Some announced closings late this evening.


He's going to look out his window at 5 AM tomorrow morning to decide if he should close or not.

That didn't go over too well on NY1's The Call tonight.

Again, he comes across as an arrogant elitist prick when he keeps so many people waiting until the last possible moment to make a call.

Especially since some DOE employees have to be at school very early and leave before 5 AM.


  1. Collaboration and accountability at its finest!

  2. Apparently Black simply parroted Bloomberg at the press conference today and both looked and sounded like the dingbat she is.

    You know, the more I watch her, the more I wonder if she really was successful at her magazine ventures. She really comes across as kinda clueless. But she couldn't be clueless, right? I mean, she must've been smart and clued in to last as long as she has, yes?
