Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Weiner Vs. De Blasio

Very, very exciting - here's a glimpse of the first Weiner for Mayor ad:

The media keeps saying de Blasio should be worried, with Weiner entering the race.

You see, they're both from the outer boroughs, they're both "progressives," and they're both fighting for the same voters.

I dunno, that may have been true pre-scandal.

But post-scandal, I don't think this is necessarily the case.

As I noted yesterday, Weiner's got the rep as a corporate sell-out these days - and his work as a lobbyist doesn't exactly undo that rep.

Oh, and he's not from the outer boroughs anymore - he lives on Park Avenue South now.

I don't know which voting bloc Weiner is going to compete for, but I'm not convinced it's the one de Blasio is competing for.

I do know one thing - Weiner's got the fashion model bloc all sewn up.

Too bad they're too young to vote.

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