Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Democrats For Education Reform Hiring For COO, Communications Director

Dust off those resumes:

Director of Communications

About Us: We are Democrats leading a political reform organization that cultivates and supports leaders in our party who champion America's public schoolchildren.
Our Vision: To make the Democratic Party the champion of high quality public education.
Director of Communication Job Purpose: The Director of Communications is responsible for the creation and implementation of a strategic, progressive communications program designed to expand the organization's brand and to advance the organization's mission concerning bold school reform for kids. This position will require the candidate to craft and oversee creative communication projects to further advance the national message of the organization. The position accomplishes this through a strategic, progressive and bold style, guided by the core values of the organization, and fully aligned with its mission. Reporting to the National President, the Director of Communications will serve as the voice of the organization, bringing to light the need to improve the country's public schools.
Major Job Duties:
  • Support and spread the national message of the organization
  • Develop effective communication and social media strategies
  • Serve as support for national team and each of our 11 state chapters
  • Establish and advance long-term working relationships with various entities including elected, the media, members of the community, public offices and partner organizations.
  • Identify opportunities to support national initiatives and develop associated communications materials and programs
  • Respond to media requests for information and facilitate media interviews with elected officials, community members, journalists, etc.
  • Possess strategic communication skills
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
  • 7-10 years of relevant experience
  • Branding experience
  • Political/policy experience preferred but not required
Skills/Qualifications: developing standards, communicating cross team, strong writing, branding and presentation skills, humility, dedication to mission, analyzing information, dealing with complexity, thinking quantitatively about results, high attention to detail, confidentiality, time management, flexibility.

How to apply

Please submit resume and cover letter to:

And even better:

Chief Operating Officer

Job posted by: Democrats for Education Reform

About Us: We are Democrats leading a political reform organization that cultivates and supports leaders in our party who champion America's public schoolchildren.
Our Vision: To make the Democratic Party the champion of high quality public education.
Chief Operating Officer Job Purpose: The Chief Operating Officer position will oversee the daily implementation of the organization's strategic goals of supporting leaders throughout the country who champion America's schoolchildren. The COO is charged with ensuring the financial and operational integrity of the organization and with working with the leadership team to ensure the organization executes its goals at a high level. The COO will oversee the day-to-day implementation of the organization's strategic objectives and ensure that all team leaders are aligned and coordinated in achieving each of their respective objectives and acting in a complementary way to achieve organization-wide goals. The COO, specifically, will partner with the organization's communications, operations, policy, political, and development units to ensure high-level implementation that supports the leaders and associated policies that will achieve substantial improvements, nationwide, in outcomes for kids
Major Job Duties:
  • Work with the National President to ensure the organization implements its strategic vision, each day, in a complementary and effective way
  • Manage daily operations across the organization's several units
  • Motivate and lead a highly talented team of professionals
  • Possess strategic decision making skills to develop effective systems and processes
  • Leading teams in a way that builds trust and buy-in, while maintaining the discipline around performance-based accountability for results
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
  • 7-10 years of relevant experience
  • Management experience
  • Finance/operations experience
  • Experience with advocacy or political organizations – preferred but not required
Skills/Qualifications: developing standards and holding teammates accountable for meeting them, communicating cross team, humility, dedication to mission, analyzing information, dealing with complexity, reporting research results, high attention to detail, strong writing, confidentiality, flexibility.

How to apply

Please send resume and cover letter to:

 Ability to do evil a must.


  1. "Ability to do evil a must."

    And don't forget a willingness to fellate, verbally or otherwise, billionaire "philanthropists:" that's also essential.

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  5. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    Negara: Indonesia
    Nama: Queen Jamillah
    Alamat: Nusa Lembongan
    Telepon:+62 877-8303-2269
    WhatsApp:+62 877-8303-2269
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    Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
