Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Andy Cohen Sucks

I'm going to say this just once.

I don't give a shit about the Oscars.

Never have, never will.

I take the tact that Alvy Singer, the Woody Allen character in Annie Hall, takes about these kinds of shows:

What's with all these awards? They're always giving out awards. Best Fascist Dictator: Adolf Hitler.

Indeed, it seems there is an awful lot of that in this self-congratulatory, award-ridden culture these days.

That said, when I heard the story that some arrogant priss-pot from Bravo savaged the PS 22 chorus on MSNBC's Morning Joe for their Oscar performance, I have to tell you, it made me want do two things:

One - it made me WANT to watch their performance of Somewhere Over The Rainbow at the end of the Oscar Show.

And second - it made me want to head over to wherever Bravo is, invite Mr. Cohen outside onto the street for a frank discussion of HIS performance on Morning Joe and KICK HIS FUCKING ASS.

I did watch some You Tube videos of the PS 22 Chorus and enjoyed them very much.

As for having the frank discussion with Mr. Cohen, I spent some time meditating through that anger and have let it go.

Nonetheless, I will say this to Mr. Cohen:

Given the absolute DRIVEL you show on your "network," you REALLY ought to REFRAIN from making fun of ANYBODY for anything they do on TV.



  1. I 100% agree. I put up some wonderful videos of PS 22's songs on my blog. They were fantastic.

  2. Off topic, but...

  3. Thanks, Tom. I saw that earlier. That was great! It's good to see a "celebrity" back teaching and public education as something other than the corporate test prep factory that Baldwin, Arianna, Oprah, et al. want it to be.
