Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Monday, March 7, 2011

Krugman: Education Cannot Rebuild Middle Class

The Shrill One, saying what I have been saying for a long, long time - just saying it better. Here it is, in full:

It is a truth universally acknowledged that education is the key to economic success. Everyone knows that the jobs of the future will require ever higher levels of skill. That’s why, in an appearance Friday with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Obama declared that “If we want more good news on the jobs front then we’ve got to make more investments in education.”

But what everyone knows is wrong.

The day after the Obama-Bush event, The Times published an article about the growing use of software to perform legal research. Computers, it turns out, can quickly analyze millions of documents, cheaply performing a task that used to require armies of lawyers and paralegals. In this case, then, technological progress is actually reducing the demand for highly educated workers.

And legal research isn’t an isolated example. As the article points out, software has also been replacing engineers in such tasks as chip design. More broadly, the idea that modern technology eliminates only menial jobs, that well-educated workers are clear winners, may dominate popular discussion, but it’s actually decades out of date.

The fact is that since 1990 or so the U.S. job market has been characterized not by a general rise in the demand for skill, but by “hollowing out”: both high-wage and low-wage employment have grown rapidly, but medium-wage jobs — the kinds of jobs we count on to support a strong middle class — have lagged behind. And the hole in the middle has been getting wider: many of the high-wage occupations that grew rapidly in the 1990s have seen much slower growth recently, even as growth in low-wage employment has accelerated.

Why is this happening? The belief that education is becoming ever more important rests on the plausible-sounding notion that advances in technology increase job opportunities for those who work with information — loosely speaking, that computers help those who work with their minds, while hurting those who work with their hands.

Some years ago, however, the economists David Autor, Frank Levy and Richard Murnane argued that this was the wrong way to think about it. Computers, they pointed out, excel at routine tasks, “cognitive and manual tasks that can be accomplished by following explicit rules.” Therefore, any routine task — a category that includes many white-collar, nonmanual jobs — is in the firing line. Conversely, jobs that can’t be carried out by following explicit rules — a category that includes many kinds of manual labor, from truck drivers to janitors — will tend to grow even in the face of technological progress.

And here’s the thing: Most of the manual labor still being done in our economy seems to be of the kind that’s hard to automate. Notably, with production workers in manufacturing down to about 6 percent of U.S. employment, there aren’t many assembly-line jobs left to lose. Meanwhile, quite a lot of white-collar work currently carried out by well-educated, relatively well-paid workers may soon be computerized. Roombas are cute, but robot janitors are a long way off; computerized legal research and computer-aided medical diagnosis are already here.

And then there’s globalization. Once, only manufacturing workers needed to worry about competition from overseas, but the combination of computers and telecommunications has made it possible to provide many services at long range. And research by my Princeton colleagues Alan Blinder and Alan Krueger suggests that high-wage jobs performed by highly educated workers are, if anything, more “offshorable” than jobs done by low-paid, less-educated workers. If they’re right, growing international trade in services will further hollow out the U.S. job market.

So what does all this say about policy?

Yes, we need to fix American education. In particular, the inequalities Americans face at the starting line — bright children from poor families are less likely to finish college than much less able children of the affluent — aren’t just an outrage; they represent a huge waste of the nation’s human potential.

But there are things education can’t do. In particular, the notion that putting more kids through college can restore the middle-class society we used to have is wishful thinking. It’s no longer true that having a college degree guarantees that you’ll get a good job, and it’s becoming less true with each passing decade.

So if we want a society of broadly shared prosperity, education isn’t the answer — we’ll have to go about building that society directly. We need to restore the bargaining power that labor has lost over the last 30 years, so that ordinary workers as well as superstars have the power to bargain for good wages. We need to guarantee the essentials, above all health care, to every citizen.

What we can’t do is get where we need to go just by giving workers college degrees, which may be no more than tickets to jobs that don’t exist or don’t pay middle-class wages.

Note that so many of the teacher trashers - Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, et al. - are part of that 400 wealthiest Americans group Michael Moore talked about yesterday who own more than the bottom 150 million in the country.

Until we TAKE BACK some of that cash and wealth from those guys, middle and working class wages and wealth will continue to get squeezed.

Until those guys FEAR that they'd better give something up willingly or it will ALL be taken from them FORCIBLY, nothing is going to change.

That's the harsh truth that so many don't want to face these days.

Oligarchs don't give up power or money willingly.

They have to be pressured to do it.


  1. Bill Gates is trash. My reading over the weekend took me to an article stating that, the problem, as Gates whines constantly, ISN'T that the U.S. produces too few scientists. Actually, we produce TOO MANY! However, we don't produce enough CHEAP ones for Gates. He constantly uses this argument to knock teachers, but the fact is that the Gates, Bloombergs, etc. of the world are now so used to dirt cheap global labor, that THEY WILL NEVER BE HAPPY WITH AMERICAN WORKERS AGAIN..simply because we're used to making a LOT more in salary and benefits. These capitalist thugs are quite happy KILLING US OFF "Randi" has Bill Gates onstage in Seattle last year and everyone claps for him...? Can you even make that up? And people wonder whether their union is in their corner...?

  2. American corps. can now "make it" without the American they are cutting us loose...they don't care if you live in Memphis...or difference now...People...time to organize national boycotts...get off the couch and start to FIGHT...
