As I posted earlier, Saint Patrick's Day parade-goers in Rockaway really let Bloomberg have it yesterday. Gothamist has more:
Yesterday Mayor Bloomberg took to the streets of Rockaway, Queens to march in the neighborhood's annual St. Patrick's Day parade, but locals really didn't seem to want him there. A combination of residual anger at Bloomberg's remarks t and his recent cost-cutting initiatives had some parade waters shouting, "Go back to Manhattan!" and "Take the A train home!" Sure, just as long as you call him a car first.Bloomberg was originally supposed to walk alongside teachers union political director Paul Egan, who was to be honored as "Gael of the Year." However, Egan was a no-show. One woman said of Bloomberg's joke about the Irish, “He wouldn’t have the audacity to make that joke about another group of people. Plus, I’m a teacher, so he’s not on my list of favorite people right now." Others were concerned less with Bloomberg and more about the parade itself. Ronnie Schwab told CityRoom, “I’m not upset with Mike Bloomberg at all for his job as mayor. I’m just mad that this tradition has been cut short," referring to last year's parade cuts.
Ultimately, most thought that Bloomberg just didn't have his priorities straight. One man said, “What he’s doing to our teachers and our Fire Department - it’s shameful. Who cares about bike lanes? He’s an idiot." Well, what do you expect from someone who puts ice in beer?
And Bloomberg still thinks he's running for president?
He can't walk a parade in deepest, Republicanist Rockaway Beach without getting booed and cursed.
I still say until Bloomberg gets treated the way Charles and Camilla got treated by protesters in London, he's not going to get the point.

But getting booed and cursed in Rockaway sure is a good start.
WOW, cannot wait for the St Pats parade in the big apple. Think the mayor will show?
ReplyDeleteIf they're still marching on 5th ave at 12:30, I'll be there!