Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sarah Palin Tells Unions To "Tone It Down"

Yeah, I'm not kidding - the woman who put killshot diagrams over congress members she wanted "taken out" says union members better tone down the rhetoric or somebody's gonna get hurt:

Sarah Palin on Thursday flipped around a line that was used against her not long ago, calling on union supporters to tone down the rhetoric in Wisconsin “so nobody gets hurt.”

After saying that union bosses were “acting like thugs,” Palin told Fox News’s Sean Hannity that it is the responsibility of the unions “to turn down the rhetoric and get truth out there so nobody gets hurt.”

Mama Grizzly Bear wants some truth - okay, here's some:

The neoconservative and neoliberal forces are waging class warfare on middle and working class Americans to chain us to the New Feudal Order.

Now middle and working class Americans are fighting back

There's some truth for you.


  1. Why does this ex governor with little or no credentials still offering opinions? Does anyone really care?

  2. These are the people, like Palin, that the power elite force force on us, for their special reasons. As Dylan wrote,"we're only pawns in their game"...

  3. Other figures forced upon us are pimps like Al Sharpton. For what reasons do they force him into our personal worlds? How about Paris Hilton? Did I ever wish to see her evil little smirk on every screen and magazine cover for three years? How about Lindsay Lohan? Charlie Sheen? I wish to not encouner ANY of this scum. YET, I can't avoid them in my life. Unless you can escape and become Amish, or something akin, the power elite insist on these dirtbags being in your life? Why?
