Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Friday, May 6, 2011

Stadiums Over Students

Comment at the NY Times story about Bloomberg's budget layoffs:

"During a fiscal crisis layoff teachers, but when the city is flush with money spend it to help build baseball stadiums. Nice move Mr. Mayor."
Sam Cimino, Chocowinity NC


  1. Sorry, but how is a 3 billion surplus a fiscal crisis? And don't forget 60 million for Geoffrey Canada.

  2. Not to mention $550 million for tech upgrades just a few years after they spent $200 million for tech upgrades.

  3. Yes, just look at tax breaks, and sweet heart deals in the Atlantic Yards project. We needed THAT piece of shit in our lives? In the end, even after all of the breaks, and taxpayer dollars spent on it, some Russian thug criminal comes in to save the project. How about this park project along the waterfront in Brooklyn? The islands on the streets? Tree planting all over the place, ON the islands? The renaming of the 59 St. Bridge cost a few million. All of this, yet no real question and answer sessions between "The Press" and Bloomberg. Why isn't anyone taking this criminal to task over the sacking of the DOE coffers?

  4. Great point about the Atlantic Yards project and the Russian thug. And the sacking of the DOE coffers (and the rest of the city coffers) via the outside consultants. To be fair, John Liu and Scott Stringer have taken him up on this. And Juan Gonzalez has done the most in the press to inform us about the criminal activities. But I have yet to see the union offer an effective pushback to the layoffs by tying them to the consultant contracts and the criminal activities.

    I wonder why?

    Could it be that the UFT leadership doesn't want to point out this kind of crime because they themselves are involved in just this kind of thing?

    I'm going to do a post about this later today or tomorrow.

    Why won;t the UFT touch the contract issue effectively and hammer Bloomberg on it?
