Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama Sells Out Social Security

Leaving aside that Obama has broken a campaign promise by agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts for rich people, notice that the payroll tax cut that he plans to extend to everybody is coming not from federal taxes but from Social Security:

WASHINGTON — President Obama announced a tentative deal with Congressional Republicans on Monday to extend the Bush-era tax cuts at all income levels for two years as part of a package that would also keep benefits flowing to the long-term unemployed, cut payroll taxes for all workers for a year and take other steps to bolster the economy.


It would reduce the 6.2 percent Social Security payroll tax on all wage earners by two percentage points for one year, putting more money in the paychecks of workers. For a family earning $50,000 a year, it would amount to a savings of $1,000.

For a worker slated to pay the maximum tax, $6,621.60 on income of $106,800 or more in 2011, the cut would mean a savings of $2,136. That would replace the central tax break for middle- and low-income Americans in last year’s economic stimulus measure, White House officials said.

This will be the beginning of the end for the Social Security program.

Progressive economists have worried that a payroll tax break along the lines of the one announced tonight could come back to bite Democrats if it undermined the solvency of Social Security. But officials tonight insisted that its cost to the Social Security trust fund will be reimbursed with a credit from general revenue.

In the very near future, Republicans will claim Social Security is unfunded and insolvent.

Corporate Dems like Obama will likely agree.

And then that Bush private accounts plan we all fought back so hard on back in 2005 will come to pass.

Just another sellout of progressive liberalism by Barack Obama.

Heckuva job, Barack!


  1. The horror show begins. Brought to you by the puppet president dancing the cave-in dance with the strings pulled by republicans.

  2. Who would have thought that the Bush ownership society work would have been completed by Barack Obama.

    And yet, that's what we have.
