Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Monday, June 3, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: John King Imposes Tough New Evaluation System On His Kids' Montessiori Teachers

Nahh - just kidding.

John King's kids have teachers who aren't evaluated using junk science with large margins of error and wide swings in stability.

John King's kids have teachers who aren't observed with a One Size Fits All Rubric four to six times a year that is all but impossible to score well on.

John King's kids have teachers who aren't enjoying an evaluation system rigged against them.

Why does John King send his kids to schools that have different evaluation plans for their teachers than the one he just imposed on NYC?

Because John King is a hypocrite, that's why.

Wouldn't it be swell if the "journalists" at Gotham Schools could do a piece on this the way they did one on Leonie Haimson when they found out her son switched from public school to private school?


  1. Yes, he's a hypocrite, but he's primarily a hatchet man,fertilizing his puppetmaster's bank accounts with teacher and public school blood.

  2. I noticed that...June 3, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    The only journalists that may do a report or a documentary on the hypocrisy of these educrat$ might be Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman.

    Once there's a seismic wave from the intense pressure on principals to rate veteran teachers "ineffective" and principals are also being rated on how they utilize the new evaluation plan, which will eventually implode from its weight of accountability, John King will hypocritically smile knowing that the evaluation plan would never be imposed on the Montessiori schools.

    I guess it's good to be the King.

  3. We've been in a totalitarian state for awhile...

  4. King's children and family personal student details are not going into Inbloom to be sold by the DOE. His children do not have a full year of test prep starting in september! King's children are not being sold off to large corporations for advertising within the school(and state tests). His children are not being groomed in school as future staff ready to feed the same corporations as low paid entry workers.
