Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kucinich Calls For Obama To Face Primary

Here's some change I can believe in:

Dennis Kucinich wants to see someone challenge President Barack Obama in Democratic primary in 2012

"I think primaries can have the opportunity of raising the issues and make the Democratic candidate a stronger candidate," Kucinich, a Democratic candidate in 2008, said Thursday on C-SPAN. “I think it’s safe to predict that President Obama will continue to be the nominee of the Democratic primary, but he can be a stronger nominee if he receives a strong challenge in a primary.”


As for who the Democrat to challenge Obama might be, Kucinich said he's not sure.

"That is not up to me to say — I’m focusing on being reelected to the House of Representatives," he said.

Nonetheless, Kucinich did have some thoughts on the issues that a primary challenger might want to focus on.

“I’m very interested in making sure that creation of jobs, health care for all, protection of Social Security and Medicare, those things are fundamental — and education,” he said. “Those are issues that certainly should be brought up in primaries. And, finally, getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We have to stop roaming the world looking for dragons to slay — we’ve things to take care of right here at home.”

Frankly I'd like to see Corporate Whore Obama carted out of the White House in handcuffs with a raincoat thrown over his head.

But barring that, a primary to give Dems like myself the chance to show what we think of his corporate-friendly, endless war policies would be a good thing.

Doubtful he can be knocked off.

But I'd like a chance to vote for somebody who isn't for everlasting war in Afghanistan, GMO's in our food, expanded spying powers for the feds, bailouts for the banks, and shivs for teachers and public schools so that his EMO pals can make billions expanding the NCLB testing apparatus to every other subject.

So yeah, a primary challenge would be great.

A perp walk would be even better.


  1. Why NOT Kucinich in 2012? I'm with RBE - I want a chance to vote for someone who isn't hellbent on destroying the public sector and whose wife isn't constantly spouting about what I can and cannot eat. To me, Obama has been a major disappointment in his anti-teacher rhetoric and his refusal to account for why exactly it is that public schools should have to "compete" for funding. We are turning into a nation run by assbackward oligarchs whose only interest is in enriching themselves - sounds an awful lot like the monarchy that was booted out of here in, oh, what was it, the EIGHTEENTH CENTURY???

    Ha ha. A perp walk. I like that.

  2. Is there any person who could assume the presidency that you wouldn't like to see arrested?

  3. Kucinich has stood by what he believed in for a long time. The Democratic Party and the media have never given him a fair shot. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat!

  4. Given how Obama allowed the bankers to steal trillions through his TALF program, has allowed banks to use his HAMP mortgage relief program to exploit underwater homeowners, renominated Ben Bernanke so that Uncle Ben could continue Federal Reserve largesse for the insolvent banker class at the expense of working people, has expanded the George W. Bush spying powers, failed to close Gitmo, expanded the war in Afghanistan and expanded the use of unmanned drones to kill innocent civilians, and ensured that Monsanto gets to write food and agriculture policy and the charter networks get to write education policy, I think Obama belongs in jail.

    When somebody new takes office, I'll make a decision on whether they belong in jail by how they conduct themselves and tehir administration.

    Obama conducts himself and his administration as a corporate crony and war criminal.
